Fiber section visualization in the OpenSeesPy domain#

Geometric Visualization#

opstool.vis.plot_fiber_sec(ele_sec, results_dir='opstool_output', input_file='FiberData.hdf5', line_width=0.75, line_color='k', colormap='viridis', opacity=0.75, mat_color=None, plot_style='ggplot')[source]#

plot the fiber section geometry.


results_dir: str, default=”opstool_output”

The dir that results saved.

input_file: str, default=’FiberData.hdf5’

The file name that fiber section data saved. .. warning:

Be careful not to include any path, only filename,
the file will be loaded from the directory ``results_dir``.
ele_sec: list[tuple[int, int]]

A list or tuple composed of element tag and sectag to plot. e.g., [(ele1, sec1), (ele2, sec2), … , (elen, secn)], The section is attached to an element in the order from end i to end j of that element.

line_width: float, default = 0.75

The line width of mesh edges.

line_color: str, default = “k”

The color of mesh edges.

colormap: str, default = “jet”

Color map used to display the response.

opacity: float, default=0.75

Transparency of mesh.

mat_color: dict

Dict for assign color by matTag, {matTag1:color1,matTag2:color2, and so on} matTag is the material tag defined in openseespy, bu it must in the section.

plot_style: str, matplotlib plot style, default=’ggplot’




Response Visualization#

class opstool.vis.FiberSecVis(results_dir='opstool_output', input_file='FiberRespStepData-1.hdf5', line_width=0.75, line_color='k', colormap='viridis', opacity=0.75)[source]#

A class to vis the fiber section responses in OpenSeesPy.


This class is currently only available for 3D models, as fiber coordinates cannot be extracted for 2D models.


results_dir: str, default=”opstool_output”

The dir that results saved.

input_file: str, default=’FiberRespStepData-1.hdf5’

The file name that fiber section responses saved.

line_width: float, default = 0.75

The line width of mesh edges.

line_color: str, default = “k”

The color of mesh edges.

colormap: str, default = “jet”

Color map used to display the response.

opacity: float, default=0.75

Transparency of mesh.


FiberSecVis instance.

animation(output_file, ele_tag, sec_tag, show_variable='strain', show_mats=None, framerate=24, plot_style='ggplot')[source]#

fiber section response animation.


output_file: str

The output file name, must end with .gif.

ele_tag: int

The element tag to which the section is to be displayed.

sec_tag: int

Which integration point section is displayed, tag from 1 from segment i to j.

show_variable: str, default=’strain

Response type to display, optional “stress” or “strain”.

show_mats: Union[int, list[int], tuple[int]], default=None

Mat tag to dispaly. If None, all tags will display.

framerate: int, default=24

The number of frames per second.

plot_style: str, matplotlib plot style, default=’ggplot’




force_defo_vis(ele_tag, sec_tag, force_type='Mz', defo_type='Phiz')[source]#

fiber section response vis.


ele_tag: int

The element tag to which the section is to be displayed.

sec_tag: int

Which integration point section is displayed, tag from 1 from segment i to j.

force_type: str, default = “Mz”

Force type to plot, optional [“P”, “Mz”, “My”].

defo_type: str, default = “Phiz”

Deformation type to plot, optional [“eps”, “Phiz”, “Phiy”].


(numpy.1D Array, numpy.1D Array)

Deformation Array, Force Array.

resp_vis(ele_tag, sec_tag, step=None, show_variable='strain', show_mats=None, plot_style='ggplot')[source]#

fiber section response vis.


ele_tag: int

The element tag to which the section is to be displayed.

sec_tag: int

Which integration point section is displayed, tag from 1 from segment i to j.

step: int, default = None

Analysis step to display. If None, the step that max response; If -1, the final step; Else, the other step.

show_variable: str, default = ‘srain’

Response type to display, optional “stress” or “strain”.

show_mats: Union[int, list[int], tuple[int]]

matTags to dispaly. matTag is the material tag defined in openseespy, bu it must in the section. If None, all tags will display.

plot_style: str, matplotlib plot style, default=’ggplot’




sec_vis(ele_tag, sec_tag, mat_color=None, plot_style='ggplot')[source]#

plot the fiber section.


ele_tag: int

The element tag to which the section is to be displayed.

sec_tag: int

Which integration point section is displayed, tag from 1 from segment i to j.

mat_color: dict

Dict for assign color by matTag, {matTag1:color1,matTag2:color2, and so on} matTag is the material tag defined in openseespy, bu it must in the section.

plot_style: str, matplotlib plot style, default=’ggplot’


