Source code for opstool.vis.fiber_sec_vis

Visualizing OpenSeesPy Fiber Section.

import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ..utils import shape_dict

[docs] class FiberSecVis: """ A class to vis the fiber section responses in OpenSeesPy. .. warning:: This class is currently only available for 3D models, as fiber coordinates cannot be extracted for 2D models. Parameters ------------- results_dir: str, default="opstool_output" The dir that results saved. input_file: str, default='FiberRespStepData-1.hdf5' The file name that fiber section responses saved. line_width: float, default = 0.75 The line width of mesh edges. line_color: str, default = "k" The color of mesh edges. colormap: str, default = "jet" Color map used to display the response. opacity: float, default=0.75 Transparency of mesh. Returns -------- FiberSecVis instance. """ def __init__( self, results_dir: str = "opstool_output", input_file: str = "FiberRespStepData-1.hdf5", line_width: float = 0.75, line_color: str = "k", colormap: str = "viridis", opacity: float = 0.75, ): self.lw = line_width = line_color self.cmap = colormap self.opacity = opacity self.out_dir = results_dir filename = self.out_dir + "/" + input_file self.fiber_sec_step_data = dict() with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: n = f["Nsteps"][...] grp = f["FiberRespSteps"] for name in grp.keys(): temp = [] for i in range(n): temp.append(grp[name][f"step{i + 1}"][...]) self.fiber_sec_step_data[name] = temp self.key_names = self.fiber_sec_step_data.keys()
[docs] def sec_vis( self, ele_tag: int, sec_tag: int, mat_color: dict = None, plot_style: str = "ggplot", ): """plot the fiber section. Parameters ------------ ele_tag: int The element tag to which the section is to be displayed. sec_tag: int Which integration point section is displayed, tag from 1 from segment i to j. mat_color: dict Dict for assign color by matTag, {matTag1:color1,matTag2:color2, and so on} matTag is the material tag defined in openseespy, bu it must in the section. plot_style: str, matplotlib plot style, default='ggplot' See Returns ---------- None """ key = f"{ele_tag}-{sec_tag}" if key not in self.key_names: raise ValueError("ele_tag and sec_tag not in set_fiber_secs()!") fiber_data = self.fiber_sec_step_data[key][0][:, :6] #'ggplot') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) txt = f"ele--sec: {ele_tag}--{sec_tag}\n" _plot_fiber_sec( ax, fiber_data, txt,, self.lw, self.cmap, self.opacity, mat_color )
def _get_fiber_data( self, key: str, step: int = None, show_variable: str = "strain", show_mats=None, ): if key not in self.key_names: raise ValueError("ele_tag and sec_tag not in set_fiber_secs()!") fiber_step_data = self.fiber_sec_step_data[key] fiber_step_data = np.array(fiber_step_data) if step is None: max_resp = [] for data in fiber_step_data: mat_tags = np.array(data[:, 3], dtype=int) if show_mats is not None: show_mats = np.atleast_1d(show_mats) matidx = [] for mat in show_mats: matidx.append(np.argwhere(np.abs(mat_tags - mat) < 1e-8)) matidx = np.vstack(matidx) else: matidx = np.argwhere(np.abs(mat_tags - mat_tags) < 1e-8) if show_variable.lower() == "stress": max_resp.append(np.max(np.abs(data[matidx, 4]))) elif show_variable.lower() == "strain": max_resp.append(np.max(np.abs(data[matidx, 5]))) else: raise ValueError("") maxstep = np.argmax(max_resp) fiber_data = fiber_step_data[maxstep] step_ = maxstep elif step == -1: fiber_data = fiber_step_data[-1] step_ = len(fiber_step_data) - 1 else: fiber_data = fiber_step_data[step - 1] step_ = step - 1 mat_tags = np.array(fiber_data[:, 3], dtype=int) if show_mats is not None: show_mats = np.atleast_1d(show_mats) matidx = [] for mat in show_mats: matidx.append(np.argwhere(np.abs(mat_tags - mat) < 1e-8)) matidx = np.vstack(matidx) else: matidx = np.argwhere(np.abs(mat_tags - mat_tags) < 1e-8) if show_variable == "stress": vmin = np.min(fiber_data[matidx, 4]) vmax = np.max(fiber_data[matidx, 4]) elif show_variable == "strain": vmin = np.min(fiber_data[matidx, 5]) vmax = np.max(fiber_data[matidx, 5]) else: raise ValueError("show_variable must be 'stress' or 'strain'!") ylocs = fiber_data[:, 0] zlocs = fiber_data[:, 1] areas = fiber_data[:, 2] return fiber_data, step_, matidx, vmin, vmax, ylocs, zlocs, areas
[docs] def resp_vis( self, ele_tag: int, sec_tag: int, step: int = None, show_variable: str = "strain", show_mats=None, plot_style: str = "ggplot" ): """fiber section response vis. Parameters ----------- ele_tag: int The element tag to which the section is to be displayed. sec_tag: int Which integration point section is displayed, tag from 1 from segment i to j. step: int, default = None Analysis step to display. If None, the step that max response; If -1, the final step; Else, the other step. show_variable: str, default = 'srain' Response type to display, optional "stress" or "strain". show_mats: Union[int, list[int], tuple[int]] matTags to dispaly. matTag is the material tag defined in openseespy, bu it must in the section. If None, all tags will display. plot_style: str, matplotlib plot style, default='ggplot' See Returns -------- None """ key = f"{ele_tag}-{sec_tag}" if key not in self.key_names: raise ValueError("ele_tag and sec_tag not in set_fiber_secs()!") # fiber_step_data = fiber_sec_step_data[self.key] # fiber_step_data = np.array(fiber_step_data) ( fiber_data, step_, matidx, vmin, vmax, ylocs, zlocs, areas, ) = self._get_fiber_data(key, step, show_variable, show_mats) ymin, ymax = np.min(ylocs), np.max(ylocs) zmin, zmax = np.min(zlocs), np.max(zlocs) space_y = (ymax - ymin) / 10 space_z = (zmax - zmin) / 10 aspect_ratio = (zmax - zmin) / (ymax - ymin) ys_ = ylocs[matidx].ravel() zs_ = zlocs[matidx].ravel() areas_ = areas[matidx].ravel() stress_ = fiber_data[matidx, 4].ravel() strain_ = fiber_data[matidx, 5].ravel() my = fiber_data[0, 12] mz = fiber_data[0, 11] p = fiber_data[0, 10] ey = fiber_data[0, 8] ez = fiber_data[0, 7] eps = fiber_data[0, 6] colors = stress_ if show_variable == "stress" else strain_ # -------------------------------------------------------------- # start plot # -------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------ #'ggplot') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6 * aspect_ratio)) patches = [ plt.Circle((yloc, zloc), np.sqrt(area / np.pi)) for yloc, zloc, area in zip(ys_, zs_, areas_) ] coll = matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection(patches, alpha=self.opacity) coll.set_ec( coll.set_lw(self.lw) coll.set_cmap(self.cmap) coll.set_clim(vmin, vmax) coll.set_array(colors) ax.add_collection(coll) # ------------------------------------------- # color bar clb = fig.colorbar( coll, ax=ax, format="%.2E", use_gridspec=True, location="bottom", fraction=0.15, aspect=16, ) clb.set_label(show_variable, fontsize=12) # ----------------------------- ax.set_aspect(aspect_ratio) ax.set_xlim(ymin - space_y, ymax + space_y) ax.set_ylim(zmin - space_z, zmax + space_z) ax.set_xlabel("y", fontsize=15) ax.set_ylabel("z", fontsize=15) plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) txt = ( f"ele--sec: {ele_tag}--{sec_tag} | step: {step_ + 1}\n" f"$\\rm M_z$={mz:.2E} | $\\rm M_y$={my:.2E} | $\\rm P$={p:.2E} \n" f"$\\rm \\phi_z$={ez:.2E} | $\\rm \\phi_y$={ey:.2E} | $\\rm \\epsilon$={eps:.2E}" ) ax.set_title(txt, fontsize=12) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def animation( self, output_file: str, ele_tag: int, sec_tag: int, show_variable: str = "strain", show_mats=None, framerate: int = 24, plot_style: str = 'ggplot' ): """fiber section response animation. Parameters ---------- output_file: str The output file name, must end with .gif. ele_tag: int The element tag to which the section is to be displayed. sec_tag: int Which integration point section is displayed, tag from 1 from segment i to j. show_variable: str, default='strain Response type to display, optional "stress" or "strain". show_mats: Union[int, list[int], tuple[int]], default=None Mat tag to dispaly. If None, all tags will display. framerate: int, default=24 The number of frames per second. plot_style: str, matplotlib plot style, default='ggplot' See Returns ------- None """ key = f"{ele_tag}-{sec_tag}" if key not in self.key_names: raise ValueError("ele_tag and sec_tag not in set_fiber_secs()!") fiber_step_data = self.fiber_sec_step_data[key] ( fiber_data, step_max, matidx, vmin, vmax, ylocs, zlocs, areas, ) = self._get_fiber_data(key, None, show_variable, show_mats) ( fiber_data, step0, matidx, vmin0, vmax0, ylocs, zlocs, areas, ) = self._get_fiber_data(key, 1, show_variable, show_mats) ymin, ymax = np.min(ylocs), np.max(ylocs) zmin, zmax = np.min(zlocs), np.max(zlocs) space_y = (ymax - ymin) / 10 space_z = (zmax - zmin) / 10 aspect_ratio = (zmax - zmin) / (ymax - ymin) my = fiber_data[matidx, 12][0, 0] mz = fiber_data[matidx, 11][0, 0] p = fiber_data[matidx, 10][0, 0] ey = fiber_data[matidx, 8][0, 0] ez = fiber_data[matidx, 7][0, 0] eps = fiber_data[matidx, 6][0, 0] # ------------------------------------------------------ #'ggplot') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8 * aspect_ratio)) patches = [ plt.Circle((yloc, zloc), np.sqrt(area / np.pi)) for yloc, zloc, area in zip(ylocs[matidx], zlocs[matidx], areas[matidx]) ] coll = matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection(patches, alpha=self.opacity) coll.set_ec( coll.set_lw(self.lw) coll.set_cmap(self.cmap) coll.set_clim(vmin, vmax) ax.add_collection(coll) # ------------------------------------------- # color bar clb = fig.colorbar( coll, ax=ax, format="%.2E", use_gridspec=True, location="bottom", fraction=0.15, aspect=16, ) clb.set_label(show_variable, fontsize=12) # ----------------------------- ax.set_aspect(aspect_ratio) ax.set_xlim(ymin - space_y, ymax + space_y) ax.set_ylim(zmin - space_z, zmax + space_z) ax.set_xlabel("y", fontsize=15) ax.set_ylabel("z", fontsize=15) plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) txt = ( f"ele--sec: {ele_tag}--{sec_tag} | step: {1}\n" f"$\\rm M_z$={mz:.2E} | $\\rm M_y$={my:.2E} | $\\rm P$={p:.2E} \n" f"$\\rm \\phi_z$={ez:.2E} | $\\rm \\phi_y$={ey:.2E} | $\\rm \\epsilon$={eps:.2E}" ) title = ax.set_title(txt, fontsize=12) # -------------------------------------------- def animate(step): fiber_data_i = np.array(fiber_step_data[step]) mat_tagsi = np.array(fiber_data_i[:, 3], dtype=int) if show_mats is not None: matidx_i = [] for mat_ in show_mats: matidx_i.append(np.argwhere(np.abs(mat_tagsi - mat_) < 1e-8)) matidx_i = np.vstack(matidx_i) else: matidx_i = np.argwhere(np.abs(mat_tagsi - mat_tagsi) < 1e-8) # if show_variable == "stress": # vmini = np.min(fiber_data_i[matidx_i, 4]) # vmaxi = np.max(fiber_data_i[matidx_i, 4]) # elif show_variable == "strain": # vmini = np.min(fiber_data_i[matidx_i, 5]) # vmaxi = np.max(fiber_data_i[matidx_i, 5]) # else: # raise ValueError("") stressi, straini = ( fiber_data_i[matidx_i, 4].ravel(), fiber_data_i[matidx_i, 5].ravel(), ) myi = fiber_data_i[0, 12] mzi = fiber_data_i[0, 11] pi = fiber_data_i[0, 10] eyi = fiber_data_i[0, 8] ezi = fiber_data_i[0, 7] epsi = fiber_data_i[0, 6] colors = stressi if show_variable == "stress" else straini coll.set_array(colors) coll.set_clim(vmin, vmax) txti = ( f"ele--sec: {ele_tag}--{sec_tag} | step: {step + 1}\n" f"$\\rm M_z$={mzi:.2E} | $\\rm M_y$={myi:.2E} | $\\rm P$={pi:.2E} \n" f"$\\rm \\phi_z$={ezi:.2E} | $\\rm \\phi_y$={eyi:.2E} | $\\rm \\epsilon$={epsi:.2E}" ) title.set_text(txti) # clb.set_ticks(clb.get_ticks()) # clb.set_ticklabels( # [f"{label:.2E}" for label in clb.get_ticks()], fontsize=13) # clb.set_label(show_variable, fontsize=16) ani = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, animate, frames=len(fiber_step_data), blit=False ), fps=framerate) # need ffmpeg
[docs] def force_defo_vis( self, ele_tag: int, sec_tag: int, force_type: str = "Mz", defo_type: str = "Phiz", ): """fiber section response vis. Parameters ----------- ele_tag: int The element tag to which the section is to be displayed. sec_tag: int Which integration point section is displayed, tag from 1 from segment i to j. force_type: str, default = "Mz" Force type to plot, optional ["P", "Mz", "My"]. defo_type: str, default = "Phiz" Deformation type to plot, optional ["eps", "Phiz", "Phiy"]. Returns -------- (numpy.1D Array, numpy.1D Array) Deformation Array, Force Array. """ key = f"{ele_tag}-{sec_tag}" if key not in self.key_names: raise ValueError("ele_tag and sec_tag not in set_fiber_secs()!") fiber_sec_step = self.fiber_sec_step_data[key] force_map = dict(p=10, mz=11, my=12) defo_map = dict(eps=6, phiz=7, phiy=8) foidx = force_map[force_type.lower()] defoidx = defo_map[defo_type.lower()] forces = [] defos = [] for fiber_data in fiber_sec_step: forces.append(fiber_data[0, foidx]) defos.append(fiber_data[0, defoidx]) force_label_map = dict(p="$\\rm P$", mz="$\\rm M_z$", my="$\\rm M_y$") defo_label_map = dict( eps="$\\rm \\epsilon$", phiz="$\\rm \\phi_z$", phiy="$\\rm \\phi_y$" ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6 * 0.618)) ax.plot( defos, forces, lw=1.75, c="blue", ) ax.set_ylabel(force_label_map[force_type.lower()], fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel(defo_label_map[defo_type.lower()], fontsize=16) plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) txt = f"ele--sec: {ele_tag}--{sec_tag}\n" ax.set_title(txt, fontsize=15) return np.array(defos), np.array(forces)
[docs] def plot_fiber_sec( ele_sec: list, results_dir: str = "opstool_output", input_file: str = "FiberData.hdf5", line_width: float = 0.75, line_color: str = "k", colormap: str = "viridis", opacity: float = 0.75, mat_color: dict = None, plot_style: str = 'ggplot' ): """plot the fiber section geometry. Parameters ------------ results_dir: str, default="opstool_output" The dir that results saved. input_file: str, default='FiberData.hdf5' The file name that fiber section data saved. .. warning:: Be careful not to include any path, only filename, the file will be loaded from the directory ``results_dir``. ele_sec: list[tuple[int, int]] A list or tuple composed of element tag and sectag to plot. e.g., [(ele1, sec1), (ele2, sec2), ... , (elen, secn)], The section is attached to an element in the order from end i to end j of that element. line_width: float, default = 0.75 The line width of mesh edges. line_color: str, default = "k" The color of mesh edges. colormap: str, default = "jet" Color map used to display the response. opacity: float, default=0.75 Transparency of mesh. mat_color: dict Dict for assign color by matTag, {matTag1:color1,matTag2:color2, and so on} matTag is the material tag defined in openseespy, bu it must in the section. plot_style: str, matplotlib plot style, default='ggplot' See Returns ---------- None """ lw, lc = line_width, line_color filename = results_dir + "/" + input_file fiber_sec_data = {} with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: for name, value in f.items(): fiber_sec_data[name] = value[...] n_sec = len(ele_sec) shape = shape_dict[n_sec] figsize = 5 * shape[1], 4 * shape[0] fig, axs = plt.subplots(shape[0], shape[1], figsize=figsize) for i, elesec in enumerate(ele_sec): ele_tag, sec_tag = elesec if n_sec == 1: ax = axs else: idxi = int(np.ceil((i + 1) / shape[1]) - 1) idxj = int(i - idxi * shape[1]) ax = axs[idxi, idxj] key = f"{ele_tag}-{sec_tag}" fiber_data = fiber_sec_data[key] txt = f"ele--sec: {ele_tag}--{sec_tag}\n" _plot_fiber_sec(ax, fiber_data, txt, lc, lw, colormap, opacity, mat_color) if shape[0] * shape[1] > n_sec: for i in range(n_sec, shape[0] * shape[1]): idxi = int(np.ceil((i + 1) / shape[1]) - 1) idxj = int(i - idxi * shape[1]) ax = axs[idxi, idxj] with"classic"): ax.set_visible(False) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3)
def _plot_fiber_sec(ax, fiber_data, title, lc, lw, cmap, opacity, mat_color): ylocs = fiber_data[:, 0] zlocs = fiber_data[:, 1] areas = fiber_data[:, 2] mat_tags = np.array(fiber_data[:, 3], dtype=int) # bounds and centers ymin, ymax = np.min(ylocs), np.max(ylocs) zmin, zmax = np.min(zlocs), np.max(zlocs) space_y = (ymax - ymin) / 10 space_z = (zmax - zmin) / 10 aspect_ratio = (zmax - zmin) / (ymax - ymin) yc = np.sum(ylocs * areas) / np.sum(areas) zc = np.sum(zlocs * areas) / np.sum(areas) # scalars scalars = np.sqrt((ylocs - yc) ** 2 + (zlocs - zc) ** 2) # rs = np.sqrt(areas / np.pi) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # start plot # -------------------------------------------------------------- patches = [ plt.Circle((yloc, zloc), np.sqrt(area / np.pi)) for yloc, zloc, area in zip(ylocs, zlocs, areas) ] coll = matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection(patches, alpha=opacity) coll.set_array(scalars) coll.set_ec(lc) coll.set_lw(lw) coll.set_cmap(cmap) ax.add_collection(coll) # If mat_color if mat_color is not None: for mat, color in mat_color.items(): idx = np.argwhere(np.abs(mat_tags - mat) < 1e-8) ys_ = ylocs[idx] zs_ = zlocs[idx] areas_ = areas[idx] patches = [ plt.Circle((yloc, zloc), np.sqrt(area / np.pi)) for yloc, zloc, area in zip(ys_, zs_, areas_) ] coll = matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection( patches, color=color, alpha=opacity ) coll.set_ec(lc) coll.set_lw(lw) ax.add_collection(coll) ax.set_aspect(aspect_ratio) ax.set_xlim(ymin - space_y, ymax + space_y) ax.set_ylim(zmin - space_z, zmax + space_z) ax.set_xlabel("y", fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel("z", fontsize=16) ax.tick_params(labelsize=12) ax.text(0.5, 1.0, title, ha="center", fontsize=15, va="top", transform=ax.transAxes)