Changelog ============= v0.8.7 --------- - Updated the class :class:`opstool.analysis.MomentCurvature` to moment-curvature analysis of fiber section. v0.8.6 --------- - Fixed ``get_frame_props`` bugs in :py:class:`opstool.preprocessing.SecMesh` v0.8.5 -------------------- - Added the Arg ``show_local_crd_shell`` to display the local axes of shell elements. - Fixed the bugs in show zeroLength link elements. - Added the function :py:func:`opstool.add_ops_hints_file` v0.8.4 -------------------- - Fixed incorrect calculation of section properties caused by :py:meth:`opstool.preprocessing.SecMesh.centering` - Added predefined section library :py:class:`opstool.preprocessing.section_library` - Updated section mesh visualization v0.8.3 -------------------- - Fixed bugs in show_ele_load in OpsVisPlotly v0.8.0 -------------------- v0.7.3 -------------------- - Added the quick visualization functions :py:func:`opstool.vis.plot_model` and :py:func:`opstool.vis.plot_eigen` - Updated class :class:`opstool.analysis.SmartAnalyze` - Updated args `show_beam_sec` and `beam_sec_paras` in :py:meth:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPyvista.model_vis`. v0.7.2 -------------------- - Added functions :py:func:`opstool.preprocessing.poly_offset` and :py:func:`opstool.preprocessing.line_offset` - Fixed the bug in get mp_constraint dof data. - Added beam section 3D rendering, by Arg `beam_sec` in :py:meth:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata.get_model_data`, and Args `show_beam_sec` and `beam_sec_paras` in :py:meth:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPyvista.model_vis`. v0.7.1 ------- - Fixed the bug in get mp_constraint data. v0.7.0 ------- - Added the method :meth:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata.save_resp_all` and :meth:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata.get_resp_step`. - Added the node reactions plot method :meth:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPyvista.react_vis` and :meth:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPlotly.react_vis`. - Added the method :py:meth:`opstool.preprocessing.SecMesh.get_frame_props`. - Added the method :py:meth:`opstool.preprocessing.SecMesh.get_stress`. - Fixed the bug in the calculation of equivalent torsion constants for reference materials in composite sections, in :py:meth:`opstool.preprocessing.SecMesh.get_sec_props` and :py:meth:`opstool.preprocessing.SecMesh.get_frame_props` - Updated the Fiber section visualization :func:`opstool.vis.plot_fiber_sec` and :class:`opstool.vis.FiberSecVis`. v0.6.0 ------- - Added the unit conversion class :func:`opstool.preprocessing.UnitSystem`. - Fixed bugs in :func:`opstool.preprocessing.tcl2py`. - Added the arg `show_constrain_dof` in :meth:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPyvista.model_vis` and :meth:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPlotly.model_vis`. v0.5.0 ------- - Added the function :func:`~opstool.vis.save_tikz` to save as the ``.tex`` file using `tikz` package, which can be visualized by native ``texlive`` or web-based ``overleaf``. - Added the class :class:`opstool.analysis.MomentCurvature` to moment-curvature analysis of fiber section. v0.4.2 ------- - Fixed som bugs in :func:`opstool.preprocessing.tcl2py`. - Updated the version requirements for mac. v0.4.1 ------- - Fixed some bugs in the arg ``show_local_crd`` in :meth:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPyvista.model_vis` and :meth:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPlotly.model_vis` v0.4.0 ------- - update vis module, add multi-point constraint plot v0.3.0 -------- - Added the class :class:`opstool.analysis.SmartAnalyze` - Added the functions :func:`opstool.preprocessing.var_line_string` and :func:`opstool.preprocessing.vis_var_sec` to create variable fiber cross-section meshes. v0.2.0 -------- - Moved the fiber section mesh commands to :mod:`opstool.preprocessing.section` - Updated docs - Updated NineNodeQuad, SixNodeTri, TwentyNodeBrick, etc., element visualization. v0.1.0 -------- - Added the function :func:`opstool.preprocessing.tcl2py` to convert tcl code to openseespy code - Change the file that model data saved by :class:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata` to ``hdf5`` style - Added the arg ``stop_cond`` in :meth:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata.get_node_resp_step`, :meth:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata.get_frame_resp_step`, and :meth:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata.get_fiber_resp_step` - Added the arg ``save_file`` in various method of :class:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata`. - Added the arg ``input_file`` in various method of :class:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPlotly` and :class:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPyvista` - Deleted the arg ``analysis_tag`` in :meth:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata.get_node_resp_step`, :meth:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata.get_frame_resp_step`, and :meth:`opstool.vis.GetFEMdata.get_fiber_resp_step`, and the method of :class:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPlotly` and :class:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPyvista`. You can assign the different analysis cases by ``save_file`` and ``input_file`` args - Updated document v0.0.7 -------- - Updated :meth:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPyvista.model_vis` parameter `show_local_crd`, show local x, y, z labels. - Fixed the `on_notebook` parameter bug with :class:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPlotly` - Updated document v0.0.6 --------- - Added :class:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPyvista` - Fixed a bug with frame element response visualization, :mod:`opstool.vis.OpsVisPlotly.frame_resp_vis` - Updated document v0.0.5 --------- - Initial release.