Source code for opstool.analysis._smart_analyze

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time

import numpy as np
import openseespy.opensees as ops
from rich import print

from ..utils import _get_random_color

[docs] class SmartAnalyze: """ The SmartAnalyze is a class to provide OpenSeesPy users a easier way to conduct analyses. Original Tcl version Author: Dr. Dong Hanlin ( Here's the converted python version, with some modifications. Parameters --------------------- analysis_type: str, default="Transient" Assign the analysis type, "Transient" or "Static". Other Parameters that control convergence ---------------------------------------------- TEST RELATED: ++++++++++++++ testType: str, default="EnergyIncr" Identical to the testType in OpenSees test command. Choices see testTol: float, default=1.0e-10 The initial test tolerance set to the OpenSees test command. If tryLooseTestTol is set to True, the test tolerance can be loosen. testIterTimes: int, default=10 The initial number of test iteration times. If tryAddTestTimes is set to True, the number of test times can be enlarged. testPrintFlag: int, default=0 The test print flag in OpenSees Test command. Choices see tryAddTestTimes: bool, default=False If True,the number of test times will be enlarged if the last test norm is smaller than `normTol`, the enlarged number is specified in `testIterTimesMore`. Otherwise, the number of test times will always be equal to `testIterTimes`. normTol: float, default=1.e3 Only useful when tryAddTestTimes is True. If unconverge, the last norm of test will be compared to `normTol`. If the norm is smaller, the number of test times will be enlarged. testIterTimesMore: int, default=50 Only useful when tryaddTestTimes is True. If unconverge and norm is ok, the test iteration times will be set to this number. tryLooseTestTol: bool, default=False If this is set to True, if unconverge at minimum step, the test tolerance will be loosen to the number specified by `looseTestTolTo`. the step will be set back. looseTestTolTo: float, default= 100 * initial test tolerance Only useful if tryLooseTestTol is True. If unconvergance at the min step, the test tolerance will be set to this value. ALGORITHM RELATED: +++++++++++++++++++++++ tryAlterAlgoTypes: bool, default=False If True, different algorithm types specified in `algoTypes` will be tried during unconvergance. If False, the first algorithm type specified in `algoTypes` will be used. algoTypes: list[int], default=[40, 10, 20, 30, 50, 60, 70, 90] A list of flags of the algorithms to be used during unconvergance. The integer flag is documented in the following section. Only useful when tryAlterAlgoTypes is True. The first flag will be used by default when tryAlterAlgoTypes is False. The algorithm command in the model will be ignored. If you need other algorithm, try a user-defined algorithm. See the following section. UserAlgoArgs: list, User-defined algorithm parameters, 100 is required in algoTypes, and the parameters must be included in the list, for example: algoTypes = [10, 20, 100], UserAlgoArgs = ["KrylovNewton", "-iterate", "initial", "-maxDim", 20] .. tip:: Algorithm type flag reference +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * 0: Linear * 1: Linear -initial * 2: Linear -secant * 3: Linear -factorOnce * 4: Linear -initial -factorOnce * 5: Linear -secant -factorOnce * 10: Newton * 11: Newton -initial * 12: Newton -initialThenCurrent * 13: Newton -Secant * 20: NewtonLineSearch * 21: NewtonLineSearch -type Bisection * 22: NewtonLineSearch -type Secant * 23: NewtonLineSearch -type RegulaFalsi * 24: NewtonLineSearch -type LinearInterpolated * 25: NewtonLineSearch -type InitialInterpolated * 30: ModifiedNewton * 31: ModifiedNewton -initial * 32: ModifiedNewton -secant * 40: KrylovNewton * 41: KrylovNewton -iterate initial * 42: KrylovNewton -increment initial * 43: KrylovNewton -iterate initial -increment initial * 44: KrylovNewton -maxDim 10 * 45: KrylovNewton -iterate initial -increment initial -maxDim 10 * 50: SecantNewton * 51: SecantNewton -iterate initial * 52: SecantNewton -increment initial * 53: SecantNewton -iterate initial -increment initial * 60: BFGS * 61: BFGS -initial * 62: BFGS -secant * 70: Broyden * 71: Broyden -initial * 72: Broyden -secant * 80: PeriodicNewton * 81: PeriodicNewton -maxDim 10 * 90: ExpressNewton * 91: ExpressNewton -InitialTangent * 100: User-defined0 STEP RELATED: +++++++++++++++++++++++ initialStep: float, default=None Specifying the initial Step length to conduct analysis. If None, equal to `dt`. relaxation: float, between 0 and 1, default=0.5 A factor that is multiplied by each time the step length is shortened. minStep: float, default=1.e-6 The step tolerance when shortening the step length. If step length is smaller than minStep, special ways to converge the model will be used according to `try-` flags. LOGGING RELATED: +++++++++++++++++++ printPer: int, default=50 Print to the console every several trials. debugMode: bool, default=False Print as much information as possible. Examples --------- .. note:: ``test()`` and ``algorithm()`` will run automatically in ``SmartAnalyze``, but commands such as ``integrator()`` must be defined outside ``SmartAnalyze``. Example 1: Basic usage for Transient ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>> import opstool as opst >>> ops.constraints('Transformation') >>> ops.numberer('Plain') >>> ops.system('BandGeneral') >>> ops.integrator('Newmark', 0.5, 0.25) >>> analysis = opst.SmartAnalyze(analysis_type="Transient") >>> npts, dt = 1000, 0.01 >>> segs = analysis.transient_split(npts) >>> for seg in segs: >>> analysis.TransientAnalyze(dt) Example 2: Basic usage for Static +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>> import opstool as opst >>> ops.constraints('Transformation') >>> ops.numberer('Plain') >>> ops.system('BandGeneral') >>> protocol=[1, -1, 1, -1, 0] >>> analysis = opst.SmartAnalyze(analysis_type="Static") >>> segs = analysis.static_split(protocol, 0.01) >>> print(segs) >>> for seg in segs: >>> analysis.StaticAnalyze(1, 2, seg) # node tag 1, dof 2 Example 3: change control parameters ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>> analysis = opst.SmartAnalyze(analysis_type="Transient", >>> algoTypes=[40, 30, 20], >>> printPer=20, >>> tryAlterAlgoTypes=True, >>> ) """ def __init__(self, analysis_type="Transient", **kargs): if analysis_type not in ("Transient", "Static"): raise ValueError("analysis_type must Transient or Static!") # default self.control = { "analysis": analysis_type, "testType": "EnergyIncr", "testTol": 1.0e-10, "testIterTimes": 10, "testPrintFlag": 0, "tryAddTestTimes": False, "normTol": 1.0e3, "testIterTimesMore": 50, "tryLooseTestTol": False, "looseTestTolTo": 1.0, "tryAlterAlgoTypes": False, "algoTypes": [40, 10, 20, 30, 50, 60, 70, 90], "UserAlgoArgs": None, "initialStep": None, "relaxation": 0.5, "minStep": 1.0e-6, "printPer": 50, "debugMode": False, } self.control["looseTestTolTo"] = 100 * self.control["testTol"] for name in kargs.keys(): if name not in self.control.keys(): raise ValueError(f"arg {name} error!") self.control.update(kargs) self.eps = 1.0e-12 self.logo = "[bold magenta]SmartAnalyze:[/bold magenta]" # initial test commands ops.test( self.control["testType"], self.control["testTol"], self.control["testIterTimes"], self.control["testPrintFlag"], ) self._setAlgorithm(self.control["algoTypes"][0], self.control["UserAlgoArgs"]) self.current = { "startTime": time.time(), "algoIndex": 0, "testIterTimes": self.control["testIterTimes"], "testTol": self.control["testTol"], "counter": 0, "progress": 0, "segs": 0, "step": 0.0, "node": 0, "dof": 0, }
[docs] def transient_split(self, npts: int): """Step Segmentation for Transient Analysis. It is not necessary to use this method. Parameters ---------- npts : int Total steps for transient analysis. Returns ------- A list to loop. """ self.current["segs"] = npts return list(range(1, npts + 1))
[docs] def static_split(self, targets: list, maxStep: float = None): """Returns a sequence of substeps for static analysis, for use in outer analysis loops. It is not necessary to use this method if you already have a load sequence. Parameters ---------- targets: list A list of target displacements, the first element must be positive. maxStep: float, default=None The maximum step length in the displacement control. If None, targets[1] - targets[0]. Returns ------- segs: list A sequence of substeps for static analysis. """ targets = np.atleast_1d(targets) if targets.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("targets must be 1D!") if len(targets) == 1 and maxStep is None: raise ValueError( "When targets has only one element, maxStep must be passed in!" ) if targets[0] != 0.0: targets = np.insert(targets, 0, 0.0) if maxStep is None: maxStep = targets[1] - targets[0] # calcuate whole distance; divide the whole process into segments. distance = 0 segs = [] for i in range(len(targets) - 1): section = targets[i + 1] - targets[i] if abs(section) < self.eps: continue elif section > 0: positive = True else: positive = False distance = distance + np.abs(section) if positive: j = 0 while (section - j * maxStep) > maxStep + self.eps: segs.append(maxStep) j += 1 segs.append(section - j * maxStep) else: j = 0 while (-section - j * maxStep) > maxStep + self.eps: segs.append(-maxStep) j += 1 segs.append(section + j * maxStep) self.current["segs"] = len(segs) return segs
def _get_time(self): return time.time() - self.current["startTime"]
[docs] def TransientAnalyze(self, dt: float): """Single Step Transient Analysis. Parameters ---------- dt : float Time Step. Returns ------- Return 0 if successful, otherwise returns a negative number. """ if self.control["analysis"] != "Transient": raise ValueError("Transient! Please check parameter input!") self.control["initialStep"] = dt ops.analysis(self.control["analysis"]) ok = self._RecursiveAnalyze( self.control["initialStep"], 0, self.control["testIterTimes"], self.control["testTol"], self.control.copy(), self.current.copy(), self.control["debugMode"], ) if ok < 0: color = _get_random_color() custime = f"[{color}]{self._get_time():.3f}[/{color}]" print(f">>> {self.logo} Analyze failed. Time consumption: {custime} s.") return ok self.current["progress"] += 1 self.current["counter"] += 1 if self.current["segs"] > 0: color = _get_random_color() if self.control["debugMode"]: value1 = f"[bold {color}]{100 * self.current['progress'] / self.current['segs']:.3f}[/bold {color}]" value2 = f"[bold {color}]{self._get_time():.3f}[/bold {color}]" print( f"* {self.logo} progress {value1} %. Time consumption: {value2} s." ) elif self.current["counter"] >= self.control["printPer"]: value1 = f"[bold {color}]{100 * self.current['progress'] / self.current['segs']:.3f}[/bold {color}]" value2 = f"[bold {color}]{self._get_time():.3f}[/bold {color}]" print( f"* {self.logo} progress {value1} %. Time consumption: {value2} s." ) self.current["counter"] = 0 if (self.current["segs"] > 0) and ( self.current["progress"] >= self.current["segs"] ): color = _get_random_color() custime = f"[{color}]{self._get_time():.3f}[/{color}]" print( f">>> {self.logo} [{color}]Successfully finished[/{color}]! Time consumption: {custime} s." ) return 0
[docs] def StaticAnalyze(self, node: int, dof: int, seg: float): """Single step static analysis and applies to displacement control only. Parameters ---------- node : int The node tag in the displacement control. dof : int The dof in the displacement control. seg : float Each load step, i.e. each element returned by static_split. Returns ------- Return 0 if successful, otherwise returns a negative number. """ if self.control["analysis"] != "Static": raise ValueError("Static! Please check parameter input!") self.control["initialStep"] = seg self.current["node"] = node self.current["dof"] = dof self.current["step"] = seg ops.integrator("DisplacementControl", node, dof, seg) ops.analysis(self.control["analysis"]) ok = self._RecursiveAnalyze( seg, 0, self.control["testIterTimes"], self.control["testTol"], self.control.copy(), self.current.copy(), self.control["debugMode"] ) if ok < 0: color = _get_random_color() value = f"[bold {color}]{self._get_time():.3f}[/bold {color}]" print(f">>> {self.logo} Analyze failed. Time consumption: {value} s.") return -1 self.current["progress"] += 1 self.current["counter"] += 1 if self.current["segs"] > 0: color = _get_random_color() if self.control["debugMode"]: value1 = f"[bold {color}]{100 * self.current['progress'] / self.current['segs']:.3f}[/bold {color}]" value2 = f"[bold {color}]{self._get_time():.3f}[/bold {color}]" print( f"* {self.logo} progress {value1} %. Time consumption: {value2} s." ) elif self.current["counter"] >= self.control["printPer"]: value1 = f"[bold {color}]{100 * self.current['progress'] / self.current['segs']:.3f}[/bold {color}]" value2 = f"[bold {color}]{self._get_time():.3f}[/bold {color}]" print( f"* {self.logo} progress {value1} %. Time consumption: {value2} s." ) self.current["counter"] = 0 if (self.current["segs"] > 0) and ( self.current["progress"] >= self.current["segs"] ): color = _get_random_color() value = f"[bold {color}]{self._get_time():.3f}[/bold {color}]" print( f">>> {self.logo} [{color}]Successfully finished[/{color}]! Time consumption: {value} s." ) return 0
def _RecursiveAnalyze( self, step: float, algoIndex: int, testIterTimes: int, testTol: float, vcontrol: dict, vcurrent: dict, print_info: bool ): """RecursiveAnalyze. Parameters ---------- step : float step size, dynamic analysis is dt; static analysis is the displacement of small loading section, <=maxStep algoIndex : int The serial number of the initial iteration method list, generally starting from the first one, which is 0 testIterTimes : int The number of iterations, the default is 7 testTol : float iteration tolerance vcontrol : dict real-time control parameter dictionary vcurrent : dict real-time status parameter dictionary print_info: bool If True, print info Returns ------- int Analysis flag, if < 0, analysis failed; elsewise = 0 success. """ if vcontrol["debugMode"]: color = _get_random_color() values = (f"[bold {color}]step=%.3e, algoIndex=%i, testIterTimes=%i, testTol=%.3e[/bold {color}]" % (step, vcontrol["algoTypes"][algoIndex], testIterTimes, testTol) ) print(f"*** {self.logo} Run Recursive: {values}\n") if algoIndex != vcurrent["algoIndex"]: if print_info: color = _get_random_color() values = f"[bold {color}]%i[/bold {color}]" % ( vcontrol["algoTypes"][algoIndex] ) print(f">>> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to {values}\n") self._setAlgorithm( vcontrol["algoTypes"][algoIndex], self.control["UserAlgoArgs"] ) vcurrent["algoIndex"] = algoIndex if testIterTimes != vcurrent["testIterTimes"] or testTol != vcurrent["testTol"]: if testIterTimes != vcurrent["testIterTimes"]: if print_info: color = _get_random_color() values = f"[bold {color}]%i[/bold {color}]" % testIterTimes print(f">>> {self.logo} Setting test iteration times to {values}\n") vcurrent["testIterTimes"] = testIterTimes if testTol != vcurrent["testTol"]: if print_info: color = _get_random_color() print( f">>> {self.logo} Setting test tolerance to [bold {color}]%f[/bold {color}]\n" % testTol ) vcurrent["testTol"] = testTol ops.test( vcontrol["testType"], testTol, testIterTimes, vcontrol["testPrintFlag"] ) # static step size if vcontrol["analysis"] == "Static" and vcurrent["step"] != step: if print_info: color = _get_random_color() print( f">>> {self.logo} Setting step to [bold {color}]%.3e[/bold {color}]\n" % step ) ops.integrator( "DisplacementControl", vcurrent["node"], vcurrent["dof"], step ) vcurrent["step"] = step # trial analyze once if vcontrol["analysis"] == "Static": ok = ops.analyze(1) else: ok = ops.analyze(1, step) if ok == 0: return 0 # If not convergence, add test iteration times. Use current step, algorithm and test tolerance. if vcontrol["tryAddTestTimes"] and testIterTimes != vcontrol["testIterTimesMore"]: norm = ops.testNorm() color = _get_random_color() if norm[-1] < vcontrol["normTol"]: if print_info: print( f">>> {self.logo} Adding test times to [bold {color}]%i[/bold {color}].\n" % (vcontrol["testIterTimesMore"]) ) return self._RecursiveAnalyze( step, algoIndex, vcontrol["testIterTimesMore"], testTol, vcontrol, vcurrent, print_info ) else: if print_info: print( f">>> {self.logo} Not adding test times for norm [bold {color}]%.3e[/bold {color}].\n" % (norm[-1]) ) # Change algorithm. Set back test iteration times. if vcontrol["tryAlterAlgoTypes"] and (algoIndex + 1) < len( vcontrol["algoTypes"] ): algoIndex += 1 color = _get_random_color() if print_info: print( f">>> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]%i[/bold {color}].\n" % (vcontrol["algoTypes"][algoIndex]) ) return self._RecursiveAnalyze( step, algoIndex, testIterTimes, testTol, vcontrol, vcurrent, print_info ) # If step length is too small, try add test tolerance. set algorithm and test iteration times back. # Split the current step into two steps. stepNew = step * vcontrol["relaxation"] # if 0 < stepNew < vcontrol['minStep']: # stepNew = vcontrol['minStep'] # if 0 > stepNew > -vcontrol['minStep']: # stepNew = -vcontrol['minStep'] if np.abs(stepNew) < vcontrol["minStep"]: color = _get_random_color() print( f">>> {self.logo} current step [bold {color}]%.3e[/bold {color}] beyond the min step!\n" % stepNew ) if vcontrol["tryLooseTestTol"] and (vcurrent["testTol"] != vcontrol["looseTestTolTo"]): if print_info: print( f"!!! {self.logo} Warning: [bold {color}]Loosing test tolerance[/bold {color}]\n" ) return self._RecursiveAnalyze( step, 0, vcontrol["testIterTimes"], vcontrol["looseTestTolTo"], vcontrol, vcurrent, print_info ) # Here, all methods have been tried. Return negative value. return -1 stepRest = step - stepNew color = _get_random_color() if print_info: print( f">>> {self.logo} Dividing the current step [bold {color}]%.3e into %.3e and %.3e[/bold {color}]\n" % (step, stepNew, stepRest) ) ok = self._RecursiveAnalyze( stepNew, 0, testIterTimes, testTol, vcontrol, vcurrent, print_info ) if ok < 0: return -1 ok = self._RecursiveAnalyze( stepRest, 0, testIterTimes, testTol, vcontrol, vcurrent, print_info ) if ok < 0: return -1 return 0 def _setAlgorithm(self, algotype, user_algo_args: list = None): color = _get_random_color() def case0(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Linear ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Linear") def case1(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Linear -initial ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Linear", "-Initial") def case2(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Linear -secant ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Linear", "-Secant") def case3(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Linear -factorOnce ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Linear", "-FactorOnce") def case4(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Linear -initial -factorOnce ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Linear", "-Initial", "-FactorOnce") def case5(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Linear -secant -factorOnce ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Linear", "-Secant", "-FactorOnce") def case10(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Newton ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Newton") def case11(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Newton -initial ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Newton", "-Initial") def case12(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Newton -initialThenCurrent ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Newton", "-intialThenCurrent") def case13(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Newton -Secant ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Newton", "-Secant") def case20(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]NewtonLineSearch ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("NewtonLineSearch") def case21(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]NewtonLineSearch -type Bisection ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("NewtonLineSearch", "-type", "Bisection") def case22(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]NewtonLineSearch -type Secant ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("NewtonLineSearch", "-type", "Secant") def case23(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]NewtonLineSearch -type RegulaFalsi ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("NewtonLineSearch", "-type", "RegulaFalsi") def case24(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]NewtonLineSearch -type LinearInterpolated ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("NewtonLineSearch", "-type", "LinearInterpolated") def case25(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]NewtonLineSearch -type InitialInterpolated ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("NewtonLineSearch", "-type", "InitialInterpolated") def case30(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Modified Newton ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("ModifiedNewton") def case31(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]ModifiedNewton -initial ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("ModifiedNewton", "-initial") def case32(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]ModifiedNewton -secant ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("ModifiedNewton", "-secant") def case40(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]KrylovNewton ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("KrylovNewton") def case41(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]KrylovNewton -iterate initial ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("KrylovNewton", "-iterate", "initial") def case42(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]KrylovNewton -increment initial ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("KrylovNewton", "-increment", "initial") def case43(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]KrylovNewton -iterate initial -increment initial ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm( "KrylovNewton", "-iterate", "initial", "-increment", "initial" ) def case44(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]KrylovNewton -maxDim 10[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("KrylovNewton", "-maxDim", 10) def case45(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]KrylovNewton -iterate initial -increment initial -maxDim 10[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm( "KrylovNewton", "-iterate", "initial", "-increment", "initial", "-maxDim", 10, ) def case50(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]SecantNewton ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("SecantNewton") def case51(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]SecantNewton -iterate initial ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("SecantNewton", "-iterate", "initial") def case52(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]SecantNewton -increment initial ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("SecantNewton", "-increment", "initial") def case53(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to " f"[bold {color}]SecantNewton -iterate initial -increment initial ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm( "SecantNewton", "-iterate", "initial", "-increment", "initial" ) def case60(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]BFGS ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("BFGS") def case61(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]BFGS -initial...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("BFGS", "-initial") def case62(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]BFGS -secant ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("BFGS", "-secant") def case70(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Broyden ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Broyden") def case71(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Broyden -initial ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Broyden", "-initial") def case72(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]Broyden -secant ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("Broyden", "-secant") def case80(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]PeriodicNewton ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("PeriodicNewton") def case81(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]PeriodicNewton -maxDim, 10 ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("PeriodicNewton", "-maxDim", 10) def case90(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]ExpressNewton ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("ExpressNewton") def case91(): print( f"> {self.logo} Setting algorithm to [bold {color}]ExpressNewton -InitialTangent ...[/bold {color}]" ) ops.algorithm("ExpressNewton", "-InitialTangent") def case100(): # User algorithm0 if user_algo_args is not None: ops.algorithm(*user_algo_args) def default(): raise ValueError("!!! SmartAnalyze: ERROR! WRONG Algorithm Type!") switch = { 0: case0, 1: case1, 2: case2, 3: case3, 4: case4, 5: case5, 10: case10, 11: case11, 12: case12, 13: case13, 20: case20, 21: case21, 22: case22, 23: case23, 24: case24, 25: case25, 30: case30, 31: case31, 32: case32, 40: case40, 41: case41, 42: case42, 43: case43, 44: case44, 45: case45, 50: case50, 51: case51, 52: case52, 53: case53, 60: case60, 61: case61, 62: case62, 70: case70, 71: case71, 72: case72, 80: case80, 81: case81, 90: case90, 91: case91, 100: case100, } switch.get(algotype, default)()